Thursday, June 16, 2011

Perfect Connor and Mommy Date Night

Connor and I have spent a lot of time hanging out just the two of us while Kevin is in class these days. I felt like we were starting to get into a rut as of this week. Same old same old. Come home. Play or read. Eat dinner. Some sort of craft, play outside or watch some TV. Boooooring.....

This evening we went to Walmart after picking him up from daycare because we needed cat food and as we're walking to the register down the frozen food aisle I asked Connor what he wanted for dinner. He pointed at the Digiorno behind the cold glass. I caved. Apparently Digiorno's come with cookie dough now too. What a treat! Something to mix up the mundane.

As we pull into the driveway it starts to pour down rain. I pull Connor out of the car and let him run around the driveway and splash in the puddles. He laughed, squealed and loved getting his toes in the gross water that collets on the sidewalk at the end of our driveway. I forgot how much fun that is!! It called out to my inner child that has fast dissapeared over the last year.

After dinner I set us up in the living room for chocolate chip cookies and milk. Mmmm. Connor took one bite of the cookie and threw it. Hmm... Him and chocolate just aren't friends. He eventually warmed up to them and started eating them. I learned my lesson about chocolate in the living room. I was chasing him down to avoid getting chocolate smears on the couch. Next time we'll enjoy our treat at the table.

This evening left me feeling refreshed and happy with our little date night but now that he's sleeping... a messy kitchen is calling my name.

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