Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Memory of a 2yr old

The memory of a 2 year old is very fascinating.....

We don't visit the doctor often. We've been there MAYBE 2 times since the beginning of the year. One was his 2 year well visit and another was for an ear infection back in March. Today I had to take the kiddo to the doctors because he's had nasty congestion in his sinuses since this weekend and yesterday he woke up from his nap at daycare with a fever. Thankfully after a dose of ibuprofen as soon as we got home he went to bed fever free and woke up fever free. I decided to take him to the docs anyway.....

We pull up and park at the doctors office. As soon as we see the building he says, "Lollipop?" I was amazed he remembered the building let alone the fact that the doc gives him a lollipop at the end of the visit. Sooooooo we go inside and we get called to our room and we wait. We wait and wait and wait and wait. While we were waiting I prepped him for what the doctor was going to do. Listen to his heart, look in his ears, ask him to open his mouth and stick out his tongue, and look in his eyes.

Every sound we heard outside the door Connor got excited and asked, "Where's the doctor?".... "Doctorrrrrrrr where arrrrrrrrreeeee yooooooouuuuuuuu" Finally the doc walks in and he says, "Lollipop?" Our doctor had a good chuckle and assured him he'd get one after his appointment. He laughed with me that he doesn't remember the crying, screaming or other bad things that happen in these rooms but totally remembers the lollipop at the end.

Life is good when you're 2 years old...... here's hoping we're fever free when he wakes up!


  1. Ah life is so simple when you're 2

  2. Focusing on the good...what a great life lesson!

  3. Ah the life of a 2 year old :)

    1. Yep. All your meals are cooked for you and there's always someone to wipe your butt :)

  4. Red wine goes with ANYTHING! :)
