Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Super Mom - My rambling thoughts

I've determined if you're a mom you're Super in my book.

I'm a member of the January 2010 Birth Board on I was commenting on a post today about being a Super Mom. I got to thinking about how many other Super Moms there are in my life after reading other peoples posts about why they thought they were a Super Mom.

Of course there is my two mothers in my life. My mom did everything that she could for my sister and I as a single mother for most of our young lives. Being a mother now has me appreciating everything she did ten times more than ever. My step mother never had a desire to be a mom until she met my dad. She always treated us as her own giving us her love, advice, time, money and energy when needed.

The Super Moms that have recently come into my life are my close girlfriends. I have a close relationship with at least five to six other women who have had babies within six months of me. I am amazed at ourselves and what we have learned and accomplished in such a short time.

My Ramblings...
We are all Super Moms. Some of us are first time moms, some of us have been there done that and have been a mom for years, some us went back to work, some us are now running and managing our homes, some us are "Mom" 24-7 because dad is overseas, some of us are making homemade baby food, some of us breastfed, some us are still breastfeeding, some of us are lugging her breast pump back and forth from work, some of us are cruising Farmers Markets to provide her family with the best food possible, some of us have changed to an organic diet for her family and baby, some of us find apps on our smart phone that create white noise to help our babies sleep, some of us not only have babies to take care of but cats and dogs running under her feet too, and some of us have many children pulling her in all directions and still can find time for each child. Our Super list is never ending. Some how some way we do it... we accomplish what we desire for our family and we strive for whatever is best for our children.

We should all have a Super glass of wine!

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